As yoga teachers, we’re not just teaching yoga — we’re teaching people. How can we make our classes as accessible as possible for people of all backgrounds and lived experiences? And how might we more deeply embody principles of equity and justice to facilitate that goal? Join yoga teacher and organizational consultant Kate Johnson for a mindful, embodied approach to cultivating equity and reducing harm. You will leave the weekend with fresh insights about your own identity and how you show up in the yoga classroom, and with a toolkit of best practices for teaching yoga in diverse communities in an authentic, liberated way.
Kate Johnson loves working at the intersections of spiritual practice, social action and creativity. She’s a recent graduate of the 4 year Teacher Training Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and has over 800 hours of training as a yoga teacher. Currently, Kate teaches at New York Insight, The Rubin Museum, the School for Visual Arts, the Kripalu Center, Spirit Rock and at the Institute for Contemporary Art in Philadelphia. She is also on staff at Buddhist Peace Fellowship, where she designs online programs integrating Buddhadharma and Social Justice education. Her first book, Radical Friendship: Seven Ways to Love Yourself and Find Your People in an Unjust World, will be published in May 2021.
Saturday, October 17th:
- Where Do We Begin? Mindful Speaking and Compassionate Listening
- Liberation Lexicon: Developing a Shared Language
- Power Mapping: Locating Privilege and Oppression in Ourselves and in Our World
Sunday October 18th:
- What Would You Do? Case Studies from the Field
- Toolkit: Gathering Best Practices for Embodying Justice in the Yoga Community
- $50 Saturday Only
- $80 Saturday + Sunday (if you sign up for the weekend, you must attend both days)
- $120: 10-hours applied towards 300-hour accreditation | includes 3 hours homework
- If you are interested in the 300-hour accreditation email us at
- If you need financial assistance or are interested in our scholarship program email us at