In this workshop we will explore ways to enhance awareness of our feet and strengthen the arches and various muscles of the feet and lower legs. With this approach we will map channels of integration and connection through the body. Poses that were challenging can become more accessible. Learn to engage in unexpected ways to access more power and strength in the legs and core of the body. Some benefits are:

• Greater balance

• Grounded sense of wellbeing

• Enhanced grace and fluidity of movement

• Help prevent future injuries with less wear and tear on your joints

• Strengthen arches, ankles, knees, hips and low back

• Safely access a deeper version of your poses

• We will end with pampering your feet so your whole body feels restored and re-vitalized.

This is a series of 2 two hour workshops. To be most effective it is recommended to take both, but they also stand on their own if both aren’t possible to attend.

Focus on activating your feet and discover how it can dynamically transform your practice.

Explore how your feet inform your core and how it applies to a range of poses.