Welcome to the Shala!
New to Yoga
Get your practice going with one of our beginner-suitable classes. We encourage those brand new to yoga to start out with classes suited to a beginner’s needs.
The following classes offer a comfortable pace, step-by-step instruction, and a supportive atmosphere. always let the teacher know if you are working with injuries or specific conditions, and whether or not you prefer to receive physical assists.
- Ashtanga | mysore all levels (please email info@theshala.com if you are interested in starting a mysore practice)
- Vinyasa | basics
- Vinyasa | all levels
- Community class by donation | all levels
New Student Specials
2 week special $70
Check our schedule for class times, vinyasa and ashtanga for descriptions, and let us know if you have any questions.

New to the Shala
We ask you to keep the following points of etiquette in mind as we work to build a more peaceful, organized space for practice.
- Sign up on Momence before class for easy check-in.
- Arrive 10-15 minutes early. Vinyasa late-comers: sit quietly near the door until the teacher is done giving their opening.
- Silence your cell phone (including vibrate) while in the practice room.
- Respect the meditative silence of practice. If you have to communicate verbally while inside or outside the room, please do so at a low volume.
- Inform the teacher if you:
- would prefer not to be physically adjusted.
- are injured, pregnant, or working with specific conditions.
- are sick—but please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms.
- have to leave class early. Leave before savasana/meditation so other students may rest/meditate in quiet.
- Move calmly and carefully when entering and exiting the room.
- Tidy up props, tissues, water bottles, clothing, towels, etc., and wipe up sweat around your mat.
- Return mat to its designated place (hang up if sweaty, fold up and return to shelf/stack if dry) and put used towels in the laundry bin.
- Wash your own mat regularly.