Update from David on Monday, March 23

Hi everyone!

I am thankful that our event can still take place even with the challenging circumstances.  Fortunately I have extensive experience offering all kinds of live stream classes.  Many of you know my teachings by watching my Asana Kitchen videos.  I will still provide excellent content that will inspire you and help you develop your practice.

For the led classes I’ll give precise, clear verbal instructions on the specific topics that you’ll find in the class descriptions.  Also there will be a model to demonstrate and help you see what to do.

For the Mysore classes I use verbal cues to give adjustments more than physical assists.  My verbal style of teaching is conducive to a live stream format.  I am an expert in articulating instructions that will give you a different or new experience of a pose.  I have a large projector screen so I will be able to see you well.  I will also invite you to send me a short summary of your practice or let just let me know what you want to work on.

I look forward to working with you, OM!  David


He offers clinic style led classes that investigate specific aspects of the practice that help students come to new perspectives on how to practice more intelligently, safely and joyfully.

In his workshops David offers a combination both traditional counted vinyasa led classes and clinic style led classes that investigate specific aspects of the practice in varying levels of detail. These important classes feature more verbal instruction; they give students a chance to slow things down, see new ways to orient during practice, get explanations of elusive, often unspoken aspects of the practice, and understand the Ashtanga method in greater, more subtle detail. Mysore, chanting and kirtan classes are also frequently included in a workshop. During the weekend David weaves together studies of asana, pranayama, bandhas, vinyasa, chanting, bhakti yoga, yoga sutra’s and other elements to help develop Ashtanga Vidya (knowledge).


Full workshop descriptions available at davidgarrigues.com/events/new-york-city-ny

1:00-2:30pm — YOGA SUTRAS TALK ON BOOK 1, SUTRA 20   $40
3:00-5pm — Semi-Private Mysore Class (separate fee from full weekend workshop – limit 20 people) $45
Full weekend  $160.00 minus mysore (with 20.00 discount for buying the full weekend) 

Sit With It: A Monthly Meditation + Discussion Series

In this ongoing series, we engage in discussion of a specific topic from a contemplative standpoint. The interactive work is punctuated by periods of guided meditation. We will turn inward to observe thoughts and feelings, and together consider how meditation practice can lay the groundwork for skillful action. The themes of privilege and justice will underpin and inform all of our conversations.

Organized and hosted by Barbara and Melanie, with monthly guest speakers.

  • Friday, February 26, 2021: Topic: Love with Ashley and Domenick
  • Friday, January 29, 2021: Life on Earth with Barbara, Kristin L, & Melanie;Inspired by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson’s All We Can Save, this event will incorporate selections from the book.
  • Friday, December 11, 2020: Self Care & Self Love with Annie & Maria Cutrona
  • Friday, November 13, 2020: fear & Faith with Domenick & Ashley
  • Saturday, June 20, 2020: Power with Glenda Carpio, Barbara & Melanie
  • Saturday, May 30, 2020: Adaptation with Barbara & Melanie
  • Saturday, April 18, 2020: Equanimity with Sasha, Braeden, & Melanie
  • Saturday, February 15, 2020: Listening with Annie, Barbara & Melanie
  • Saturday, January 25, 2020: Compassion with Ashley and Maria Cutrona
  • Saturday, December 7, 2019: Remembering with Aimee Cox & Lauren Benson
  • Saturday, November 9, 2019: Joy with Barbara & Melanie
**This series was inspired by “Inwards” .


Kirtan is a practice of devotional singing in community. We sing the names of the gods and goddesses and contemplate what these deities represent: love, joy, grace, beauty, perseverance, strength, and truth.

Next up: Saturday, April 25, 6-7pm

Save the dates (all Saturdays, 6-7pm):

September 21
October 26
November 16
December 14

January 18
February 29
March 28
April 25
May 16

Flow from breath to muse to pen

A women’s circle exploring our creativity through yoga, meditation and drawing.

Yoga & Culture Retreat Jamaica with Deirdra Demens

Experience Jamaica! The very first of Deidra’s Yoga & Culture Retreats brings us to Treasure Beach, a beautiful village on the South Coast of Jamaica. In Treasure Beach you’ll find black sand bays, May temperatures in the high 70’s low 80’s, and that friendly South Coast spirit and community that greets you with “welcome home.”

Each day will start with an energizing Iyengar Yoga class, followed by planned hike and bike tours along through the Santa Cruz hills, where we can meet local farmers, and take in the sites of the Caribbean Sea at Lover’s Leap. Between the daily Yoga classes, hike and bike tours we will also enjoy delicious meals at the hotel restaurants, that offer fresh produce and ingredients from local farmers and fishermen.

For more information about the retreat email deidrademensyoga@gmail.com

COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND FALL RETREAT With Bibi Lorenzetti, Maria Rubinate & Carlota Portella

a long weekend of fall foliage, mysore, and ayurveda workshops with maria rubinate. vegan, gluten-free meals made by carlotta portella. hosted by bibi lorenzetti at @ASHTANGA YOGA NEWBURGH

Gina Dominique – Public reception Friday night, October 11th, 5:30 to 7:30pm

Meditations on Pink

My painting practice is an extension of my decades long yoga and meditation practices. My imagery and approaches are inspired by my loves of abstraction, geometry and spirituality. Using a combination of acrylics and pencil, I work on canvas, wood or board. I always employ various techniques, typically those used by gestural and geometric abstractionists.

I loved pink as a child, and since my sophomore year of undergraduate painting, I have been enamored with all shades of pink paint. In this new body of work, I made the color pink the focal point, or, as we say in yoga, the drishti.

According to symbolists, pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others, and it represents unconditional love and understanding. It signifies affection, caring, compassion, friendship, harmony, inner peace, and approachability. Pink is associated with passion, good health and success. As you view the work, I hope you feel and absorb, consciously and subconsciously, these very things.

In loving memory of my father,

Gina Dominique
10 September 2019

more work at ginadominique.com

Rocket Yoga with Megna Paula

You can expect the unexpected! Arm balances, inversions, and backbends are all fair game— but every class welcomes every level. Rocket 1 is based on Ashtanga’s Primary Series; Rocket 2 is based on Second series; Rocket 3 brings in both First and Second series. Come for an inspiring, uplifting flow!

mallorca retreat with maria cutrona

Held in an estate established in 1597, outside Valldemossa in the heart of Tramuntana mountains and Mallorca’s Unesco world heritage natural reserve. An escape into the pristine beauty and astonishing landscape of the Balearic Islands.