The Nervous System, Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Savasana | Annie Piper

While it is true that asana generally can be extremely helpful in managing symptoms of post traumatic stress and generalized anxiety, there are specific tools and strategies that can lift virtually any yoga class to the level of ‘trauma sensitive”. Many of the skills you will learn in this workshop will create a more nurturing  and empathic environment and help to minimize  triggering vulnerable students in a typical yoga class.
  • holding space  – what does this mean? how do I do it?
  • how might I assist a student who presents or self describes as traumatized ?
  • what is my own relationship to trauma and anxiety and how does this relationship make me a better teacher? (good news : it really does)
Please prepare by reading the chapter on Yoga in The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van der Kolk and it is recommended that you own Dave Emerson’s book.

the intersection of philosophy & practice: meditations suggested by the Yoga Sutras

oct 26-27: saturday & sunday, 12:30-3:00pm
$35 for one, $65 for both
union square
Join Maria Rubinate and Barbara Verrochi for an exploration of the Yoga Sutras and the art of meditation.
These workshops will include an overview of the four chapters (padas) of the Yoga Sutras and a discussion on specific, universal, and applicable themes found therein. All levels are welcome and no specific background is necessary.
Discussion will be punctuated by practical instruction, including practice with various (15-20 minute) meditation techniques to develop focus and cultivate qualities like kindness and equanimity. These practices promote equilibrium in the mind from which a strong meditation practice can flower.

an evening Lecture with Eddie Stern

Even after thousands of years, yoga continues to be an infinitely interesting and exciting practice and philosophy, never growing old, and always staying new. In this class, we will look at some of the reasons why this is so.
Eddie Stern is a yoga teacher, author, and lecturer from New York City. He is known for his multi-disciplinary approach to furthering education and access to yoga, as well as his teaching expertise in Ashtanga Yoga. He recently released his first solo book, One Simple Thing: A New Look at the Science of Yoga, which examines in clear and simple language the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms that make yoga an effective practice. He is also the creator of The Breathing App, which guides the user in a paced breathing exercise that balances the nervous system, helping to improve sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety.

Embodying Justice in the Yoga Community with Kate Johnson

As yoga teachers, we’re not just teaching yoga — we’re teaching people.  How can we make our classes as accessible as possible for people of all backgrounds and lived experiences?  And how might we more deeply embody principles of equity and justice to facilitate that goal? Join yoga teacher and organizational consultant Kate Johnson for a mindful, embodied approach to cultivating equity and reducing harm.  You will leave the weekend with fresh insights about your own identity and how you show up in the yoga classroom, and with a toolkit of best practices for teaching yoga in diverse communities in an authentic, liberated way.

Kate Johnson loves working at the intersections of spiritual practice, social action and creativity. She’s a recent graduate of the 4 year Teacher Training Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and has over 800 hours of training as a yoga teacher. Currently, Kate teaches at New York Insight, The Rubin Museum, the School for Visual Arts, the Kripalu Center, Spirit Rock and at the Institute for Contemporary Art in Philadelphia. She is also on staff at Buddhist Peace Fellowship, where she designs online programs integrating Buddhadharma and Social Justice education. Her first book, Radical Friendship: Seven Ways to Love Yourself and Find Your People in an Unjust World, will be published in May 2021.

Saturday, October 17th:

  • Where Do We Begin?   Mindful Speaking and Compassionate Listening
  • Liberation Lexicon: Developing a Shared Language
  • Power Mapping:  Locating Privilege and Oppression in Ourselves and in Our World

Sunday October 18th: 

  • What Would You Do?  Case Studies from the Field
  • Toolkit:  Gathering Best Practices for Embodying Justice in the Yoga Community



    • $50 Saturday Only
    • $80 Saturday + Sunday (if you sign up for the weekend, you must attend both days)
    • $120: 10-hours applied towards 300-hour accreditation | includes 3 hours homework
    • If you are interested in the 300-hour accreditation email us at
    • If you need financial assistance or are interested in our scholarship program email us at

Meditation with Jocelyne Stern


  • monday april 15th: forgiveness practice
  • Friday april 19th: loving kindness practice
  • monday april 22th: compassion practice
  • friday april 26th: space practice


Jocelyne has been practicing these meditation techniques for fifteen years, and is authorized by Kamala Masters to teach. She has been a student of Ashtanga Yoga since 1988, and studied with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois from 1991 until 2009. She is the co-founder of Ashtanga Yoga New York.



scholarships available for sharath’s led classes in nyc

six scholarships are available to cover registration fees for Sharathji’s 2019 US Tour. There are two places available for each location. The scholarships are based on need.

Apply for the scholarship by filling out the application at

Applications must be received by April 5th 2019

Recipients will be notified by email on April 8th

Note: Scholarship winners receive the full course of classes in your chosen location.

No travel or accommodation costs will be covered.

The Shoulder and the Heart: Anatomy and Sequencing with senior teachers Annie Piper, Maria Cutrona, and Joe Miller

Take your practice and teaching to the next level in this advanced sequencing and anatomy course. In these workshops, we’ll explore:
  • Sequencing and anatomy for shoulder safety, strength, and stabilization
  • Sequences and practices for heart-opening
  • An anatomical perspective on heart-opening
Workshops may be taken separately or together.
  • 12:30-3:30 with Maria Cutrona: Sequencing for shoulder safety, stability, and strength
  • 4:00-6:30 with Joe Miller: Anatomy and function of the shoulder joint, common shoulder injuries, and preventative strength exercises. 
  • 12:30-3:30 with Annie Piper: Sequencing, pranayama, and mantra practices for courageous and vibrant heart-opening
  • 4:00-6:30 with Joe Miller: Heart-opening and its relationship to ribcage mobility, breathing, and the shoulder girdle


  • $160: Non-accredited
  • $260: 20-hours applied toward 300-hour accreditation | includes 8 hours homework
  • $50 individual sessions
Continuing education workshop for students, teachers, and teachers-in-training, or 20-hour module within the Shala’s 300-hour training. Go to to sign up or  email to sign up for individual workshop times.

The Cosmos of Healing: Ayurveda Philosophy & Practice with Maria Rubinate

Saturday, May 4:
  • 12:30 to 3:00: Foundational principles including:
    5 element theory, doshic theory, universal qualities, introduction to Prakrti assessment
  • 4:00 to 6:30: Foundations of nutrition including:
    Definition of health, guidelines for eating, Agni, 6 tastes. Plus a trip to the kitchen: ghee, kitchari and takra.


Sunday, May 5:
  • 12:30 to 3:00: Foundational practices of Ayurveda including:
    Daily routine, seasonal routine, sensory health, guidelines for sleep
  • 4:00 to 6:30: Practical application of Ayurvedic concepts in yoga practice: Using an Ayurvedic lens on yoga practice. Concept of yoga therapy from an Ayurvedic perspective.


Taught by Maria Rubinate, nationally certified Ayurvedic Health counselor and Ashtanga yoga teacher.


Cost for weekend*:
  • $160: non-accredited for weekend
  • $260: 20-hours credit for weekend
  • $50 per individual session

Continuing education workshop for students, teachers, and teachers-in-training, or 20-hour module within The Shala’s 300-hour training. Sign up for whole weekend or individual parts, email to sign up for individual workshop times.

Connect and Create: An Evening of Meditation and Art Making

Yoga teaches us that we are all interconnected. If we want to strengthen our connection with others, we must first feel connected to and within our own selves. Meditation and art-making are two ways we can strengthen these connections.

yoga in the park


  • May
    • 5/18 Sasha Ginnetti assisted by Susan Raposo
    • 5/25 no class
  • June
    • 6/1 Jenny Campbell
    • 6/8 Sasha Ginnetti / Christine Hou
    • 6/15 Kristin/Barbara assisted by Mary Chan, Peyton Biederman, Jules, Workneh, Jonathan Sabbagh
    • 6/22 Mary Chan
    • 6/29 Susan Raposo assisted by Lauren Pecorella
  • July
    • 7/6 no class
    • 7/13 Anna Vomacka
    • 7/20 no class
    • 7/27 Jenny Campbell
  • August
    • 8/3 Braeden Lentz
    • 8/10 Braeden Lentz
    • 8/17 Lara Torsky
    • 8/24 Angilique Campbell
    • 8/31 no class
  • September
    • 9/7 ashley dorr
    • 9/14 Maria Margolies assisted by Jonathan Sabbagh
    • 9/21 Mary Chan assisted by Jenny Meyer
    • 9/28 Susan Raposo
  • October
    • 10/5 Lara Torsky assisted by Robin Newman
    • 10/12 Alana Kessler assisted by Alba Arrando
    • 10/19 Annie Piper assisted by Vanessa Tanicien
    • 10/26 Jenny Cambell assisted by Robin Newman

Spring Yoga retreat in the Catskills with Julie Peacock & Sara Beck

Calling all women! Renew yourself with a weekend of yoga, meditation, vegetarian and seasonal farm-to-table food, nature, connection, and restorative practices. Deep in the heart of the Catskill Mountains and away from distractions, sister-duo Julie Peacock and Sara Beck will invite you to shed the weight of winter and align yourself with the light, uplifting rhythms of Spring.


for more info and to sign up, contact

Cooking Class with Carlota Portella: Beet patties & Tzatziki sauce

Sunday, March 10th, 12:30 to 1:30
in this cooking class, Carlota will prepare ​beet patties with tzatziki sauce​, ​a well-balanced meal with a high amount of vegan protein, minerals (iron, folates, magnesium, potassium), and antioxidants like vitamin C. This combination is a good option for when you feel fatigued or hormonally imbalanced, or if you are trying to build muscle mass. We’ll discuss how to cook and eat to energize our cells, protect our bodies from free radicals, and strengthen the immune system.

Carlota portella biography: 
Carlota is a nutritionist and health coach with more than 10 years of experience. She utilizes bio-individual methodology and a personalized holistic approach, and has experience working with more than 7,000 clients. She designs programs based on her own method, called TEA—Think, Eat, Absorb. TEA grew out of Carlota’s lifelong passion for health, the science of molecular nutrition, spirituality, and wellness. Guided by a practical and always optimistic approach, Carlota helps clients improve their health, achieve their goals, and develop sustainable habits for a healthy and balanced life.