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Kristin Leigh at Sukha Yoga in Novato, CA

Our own Kristin Leigh will guest teach a vinyasa flow class at Sukha Yoga, in Marin County – Novato, CA, on Thursday, August 3rd at 9:30 AM PST/12:30 pm EST.

Join online or in person if you are in Marin!

Shala Summer Special

10 Classes for $160.
Available June 25- August 1.
Good for 6 weeks, one purchase at a time.
No transfers, no sharing.

World Refugee Day Donation Class with Ashley Dorr

Art of Hope is an American nonprofit that strictly focuses on the mental & emotional wellbeing of war-torn refugees, internally displaced people and vulnerable host communities worldwide through art therapy, mindfulness practices, training of caregivers and other psychosocial programming in the field.
Their latest mission in Kilis, Turkey in July will support many Syrian refugees in the region, who are now facing a second trauma in the aftermath of the deadly February earthquakes that took the lives of thousands and disrupted millions more. 
Sign Up Online – Regular Class Price/Class Cards Accepted. And if you can’t make it please feel free to donate direclty to Art of Hope. 

Unwind: Restore & Meditate with Omika Jikaria

60 minutes of restorative (supported, longer-held) postures, a long, deep rest, and meditation to end your week. Open to all levels of practitioners.


Community Class in Fowler Square

Join us on Sunday once a month for a free community class in Fowler Square, on Lafayette and Fulton in Ft. Greene. 45 mins all levels vinyasa, led by Shala Teachers.

Sponsored by Fab Fulton. Free to all but space is limited: sign up on our website!

Bring a mat and water bottle.

Rest & Restore with Jenny

Summer Teen Pass!

From June 15-September 2, Teens ages 13-19 practice for Free! Pass excludes special workshops and classes on Saturday 10:30 am. Non-transferrable, available for ages 13-19 only.

Sign up via and

Resonant Being with Domenick and Hue

Yoga teacher Domenick Schiavone and Reiki Master Hue, join forces to bring you a Conscious Gathering aimed at raising your vibratory state of Being through an immersive practice of weaving together movement, energetic alignment and sound healing.

Recommended Donation of $30.00. (A portion of the proceeds will go to the Trevor Project)

Workshops + Talks with David Swenson!

Life, Love and Living With Purpose
Seeking A Path, Building Dreams and Finding Peace

Friday, June 16
Talk only: 5:30 to 6:30pm, $20
Talk + Class: 5:30 to 7:30pm, $45

David will share Stories, Anecdotes and Insights gained over his more than 40 years of yoga practice and pursuits of spiritual life, love, health and adventure. David is a witty, humorous and inspiring storyteller. His life is filled with colorful, sometimes wild, sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious and always entertaining pursuits of knowledge of the world around him and the wonders that reside within us all. Within his tales of travel, fasting, chanting, seeking, studying, laughing and crying there is always a thread of sincerity of purpose that anyone seeking greater meaning of life can relate to and possibly even gain tools of insights of their own from the mistakes, successes, failures, triumphs and bumps along the road of life that David shares with honesty and heart-felt sincerity.
Buckle Up It’s a Wild Ride!

After the discussion, David will lead the group through a slow-flowing Short Form routine accessible to all levels of practitioner. The flow will include asanas from the standing sequence, seated postures, and an abbreviated closing sequence. As always, David will offer alternatives and options. Participants are sure to leave feeling refreshed and mellow.


Flying Floating and Handstanding
A Fun-filled exploration of Vinyasa and Arm-balances

Saturday, June 17
12:30 to 2:30pm, $45

One of the greatest challenges of the Ashtanga flow is the vinyasa. In this class David will break the vinyasa down into its basic components in order to explore techniques for creating greater lightness and efficiency of practice while using less effort to achieve greater ease.
In addition to vinyasa the class will also explore elements of handstands and arm-balances. It is common to feel intimidated or even frightened by balancing on our hands. David will address this issue and offer practical methods of approach to allow for greater confidence and ability that can be carried away and applied within a personal practice. There will be partner work as well as individual techniques offered. There is always plenty of laughter and fun as well as a depth of information in David’s classes. All levels may attend even if you have never done a handstand before. Alternatives are always given.
Come and Experience the Joy of Flight!


Short on Time? Short Forms to the Rescue!
Designing a perfect personal practice to fit within a busy life.

Sunday, June 18 
Class + Talk: 2:00 to 4:00pm, $45 

Yoga is medicine. It is essential to ascertain what practice dosage is most appropriate for our needs. Outside the traditional Ashtanga Yoga series, David created abbreviated asana flows that students may utilize to develop or maintain their home practice.
David will conduct one of his Short Form sessions in this unique class. He will then explain how students may develop routines of their own. By understanding the underlying logic, structure, and inherent energetic rhythms of vinyasa patterns, it is possible to utilize the system’s intelligence to create holistic and fulfilling asana sequences explicitly crafted for your personal needs.
As always, David will infuse his depth of knowledge with humor and heartfelt insights.
This class is excellent for Ashtanga enthusiasts as well as Vinyasa flow practitioners.
There will be time at the end of class for questions and answers.
All levels are welcome!


David Swenson is recognized as one of the world’s foremost practitioners and instructors of Ashtanga yoga. He began practicing yoga at the age of 13 and has teaching yoga for over 40 years. He is known for both the depth of his personal practice and his ability to transmit the knowledge of yoga in a down-to-earth manner filled with joy, humor and sincerity.

Meditation and Creation Workshop with Katie Schuessler

This workshop will explore the fluid connection between meditation and creation. We’ll take time to meditate, make art, write, share, and reflect. No experience required and all materials will be provided. In Studio and Online. 

One Love Community Fridge Donation Class

The 501(c)3 nonprofit partners with farmers, community gardens, and others who share in its values to work toward a more sustainable and equitable world. 
“I’m a firm believer that small, consistent actions can lead to big changes,” Asmeret Berhe-Lumax.


A joyful evening of live devotional singing, including call and response with Shala teachers and live musicians.

Free, all are welcome, no kirtan or singing experience necessary!

Restorative Yoga and Soundbath

Restorative yoga is a calming and deeply healing system. This relaxing practice nourishes the nervous system by using yoga props to fully support the body in each pose. Experience relief from exhaustion, and tune in to physical and mental harmony by slowing down and giving your body and mind a chance to recharge. This class is suitable for all levels- anyone in need of a bit of self care.


Chill Out! It’s Warm Inside: 3 deep, restorative savasana (guided rest) sessions with Sherry Russell

Come chill out, reconnect and reclaim your inner peace in these deep, restorative savasana (guided rest) sessions.

Session 1: January 27: Embodiment | Exploring our inner landscape: viscera, bones, fascia and connective tissue.

Session 2: February 17: Balance | Exploring spheres within spheres of the body: chakra balancing, midline awareness.

Session 3: March 10th: Manifestation | Guided journey designed to enhance your inner glow: cleansing from the inside outward.

These energy-based practices are based on Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Each session includes: 35 minute guided rest/meditation with follow-up share/q&a.
Sherry Russell is a registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist. BCST is an energy-based practice that focuses on the body’s inherent capacity to seek wellness. Through light touch, therapeutic and supported guidance, energies are restored and blockages harmonized in and around the body.To learn more visit
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